Promotional Feature

Sitters for All
Your Critters!

Our sitters are savvy with all kinds of family pets.

Yes, you can buy love—at least for your pet! Savanna Westwood, owner and pet whisperer behind Savvy Sitter, has spent a decade proving it. Whether your pet has fur, feathers, or scales, she welcomes them all. Well… everything except snakes. Sorry, Slinky!

Celebrating 10 years in business, Savvy Sitter is the best, most trusted pet sitting service in Winter Garden, Windermere, and Horizon West. “We care for all kinds of pets—dogs and cats, of course, but also bunnies, bearded dragons, saltwater fish, poison dart frogs, parrots, even an axolotl,” Savanna says.

Even if you don’t choose the Savvy Sitter team, Savanna encourages everyone to use a licensed professional, especially for weekends or longer. “Things happen that you don’t plan for,” she says. “We’ve dealt with emergency medical issues, hurricanes, broken A/C units, and burst pipes.

“You want your pet to be safe, comfortable, and cared for by someone who will love them as you do. That kind of peace of mind is priceless!”

Celebrating 10 years

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